豐乾科技成立於1991年,身為英國ITL公司與韓國PULOON在台灣經銷商的我們,在遊戲機與紙鈔機的專業領域,已累積長達30年的專業經驗。我們提供各類型的紙鈔機以適用於不同產業別的需求,產品包含市面上體積最小的紙鈔機BV20ST、BV30、BV50ST以及可接受多達200個國家紙鈔面額的NV9USB+ST、無錢箱的NV10USB+、專為台幣設計的CBA9、可循環找鈔的CBA11、NV11、適用於高端應用的NV200、Smart Payout、與雙面額40張循環找鈔的NV22...等各型號的紙鈔機。
我們也代理紙鈔機相關的週邊產品包括:自動循環退幣馬達Smart Hopper、Smart Coin System、二合一收鈔卷/打印機(支援TITO)Smart Ticket、單純打印機CR158、韓國PULOON LCDM系列找鈔機、西班牙廠牌AZKOYEN防偽率極高的投幣器、義大利廠牌COGES硬幣找零機Change-giver coin mechanism...等。皆可協助客戶節省機台內部的空間,幫客戶有效降低營運成本。
Founded in 1991, Feng Chen Technology Co., Ltd. has the expertise background in the field of gaming machine for over 30 years. As the only distributor of ITL (Innovative Technology Ltd)and PULOON(PULOON Technology Inc.) in Taiwan, we are now focusing on validator, providing various kinds of banknote readers in responding to different industry needs. Our products includes the most compact bill acceptor BV20ST, BV30, BV50ST and NV9USB+ST that can accept more than 200 kinds of currencies; NV10USB+ without cashbox; CBA9 designed for Asia only; CBA11, NV11 has the function of recycling up to 30 notes; NV200 that is ideal for high volume applications; Smart Payout, and also NV22, a 40 note mixed denomination recycler…etc.
We also have the related peripheral products for the bill acceptor, such as Smart Hopper, a multi coin hopper and recycler; Smart Coin System; Smart Ticket, a revolutionary note in/ ticket out design (support TITO); CR158, a printer that provides multiple interfaces and protocols; Coin Validator that has high level of anti-counterfeiting rate, from AZKOYEN in Spain,Cash Dispensing Module from PULOON in Korea and also Change-giver coin mechanism from COGES in Italy…etc. All of these above can help save space inside the machine, and lower down the cost of ownership.